Beautiful Days
A Gintama Fanzine

Beautiful Days is a collaborative fanzine project centered around the manga and anime series Gintama, written by Sorachi Hideaki. It is a general zine that will feature content from the whole series.

Production is underway.We'll be announcing shipping soon!


What is a fanzine?
A zine or fanzine is an unofficial fan-published work of originally-created art and/or writing among other mediums that usually follow a theme.
What is this fanzine about?
This project is centered around the manga and anime series Gintama, written by Sorachi Hideaki, and is a general zine that will feature content from the whole series.
Is this fanzine SFW?
Yes, this fanzine will be strictly safe for work.
Is this fanzine for profit?
Yes, this fanzine is for-profit.
Will this zine include spoilers?
This zine may contain spoilers of content and/or characters from later on in the serires.
Will the zine allow depictions of alternate universes?
We would like the content of this zine to stay within the universe of the original story.
Will the zine allow romantic ships?
Please refrain from depicting romantic relationships between any characters in this zine.
Still Have Questions?
Send us a direct message on one of our socials and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Interest CheckMay 24 - June 7
Application PeriodJune 26 - July 17
Application ResponsesJuly 25
Pitch/Concept CheckAugust 3
Check-in #1Augst 28
Check-in #2September 25
Check-in #3October 23
Final DeadlineNovember 10
Preorders OpenNovember 25
Preorders CloseJanuary 5


Ghozt (he/she)

Head/Organization, Writing, & Co-Graphics Mod

Hi hi! Ghozt here. Fresh off the Gintama binge train and certified Yato clan enjoyer. I like to draw, write, make spreadsheets and, of course, zines. This show did things to my brain and I'm excited to help this project come together!Previous mod experience includes:

Zine TitleFandomRole
Welcome Back, StanleyThe Stanley ParableHead/Art/Graphics/Formatting
Dinoverse ZineDinoverseArt/Graphics/Formatting
Hear Me Out...Tumblr SexymanGraphics/Formatting

Ichamo (they/them)

Art Mod

Hey what's up! I'm a big Shinsengumi enjoyer as well as the self-proclaimed #1 Sougo fan! I've drawn him uh…… a. A lot.

nmlopez (she/her)

Social Media, Co-Graphics, & Layout Mod

Hellooo! Longtime Gintoki and Hijikata fangirl who loves graphics and layout design and enjoys collaborating with other creators on zines!Previous mod experience includes:

Zine TitleFandomRole
Untamed Vol. 1 & 2Final Fantasy XIVGraphics
Poison AppleFairytlaes & FolkloreGraphics/Formatting
Tres ElegantSpy x FamilyGraphics

Zelina (she/her)

Finance & Production Mod

Hello everyone! I'm excited to be part of a Gintama project. This series is probably the first (and only) anime I have binged that was more than 300 episodes at the time I (finally got around) to starting it. Suck it Dragon Ball. But wait, there's more! Who else is ready to see these idiots animated again for Class 3Z Ginpachi-sensei?Previous mod experience includes:

Zine TitleFandomRole
Children of the ForestCartoon Saloon's Irish MythsOrganization, Finance, Shipping
Paint the StreetsSk8 the InfinityShipping
Our (side of the) StoryHaikyu!!Shipping, Production Assistant